Chapter 14 response

    In chapter 14 it is about how to create a argumentative essay and ” is a process of reasoning that asserts the soundness of a debatable position, beliefs, or conclusions”. (523) This to me is a very important because it does teach the person on to convince the viewer on how their points […]

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NFW Red Foxes Website

Website Being Reviewed NFW The sponsor is the National Wildlife Federation. This is clearly stated because the website is named after said sponsor. Due to the word “federation” we are inclined to believe this is a credible sponsor and source. The URL ends in .org, meaning it is an organization. It is stated clearly that the […]

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Ch.14 Reading Response

FeChapter 14 of our book is intended to teach the reader about argumentation.  It defines argumentation as “a process of reasoning that asserts the soundness of a debatable position, belief,or conclusion.”(523).  This chapter does do a very good job of teaching the term and idea of using argumentation in essays giving many examples of essays […]

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Blog Review #2

For this assignment I have been asked to review the blog of my fellow classmates.  I have chosen to review the “It’s Not Really That Deep” blog.  I will be reviewing the general quality of this blog and how well it gets it’s point across. This blog is very well put together and has a […]

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Five GuysWrite Blog Review is the blog that I’ve decided to review. This blog follows the quality criteria very well, which is important for a reader’s first impression of the blog as well as keeping the readers attention. To start, this blog has an eye catching background with an easy to follow layout. However, the font style is […]

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The Blog review 2 I was required to analyze other Blogs of my class fellow classmates and to see how they compare. The one blog that I decided to analyze was TheFiveGuysBurgersandblog, and their website hide some quality to it. Their Blog hide an astonishing layout and the background of  gold burgers but also, simple writing style […]

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peer Editing worksheet

For English 121 I have a read an a compare and contrast essay by my fellow classmate Maddi.  Maddi had a clear thesis on what her essay was going to be about. Her thesis was how the helpguide website was for superior than Webmd website on the topic of Anxiety disorders.    The two things that […]

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Compare/Contrast Peer Review Worksheet

Peer Review Worksheet for Josh’s Comparative Essay This essay’s thesis statement is as follows: “Though the websites seem very similar in structure comprennent, style, and organization they are also very different.” Two websites for Restless Leg Syndrome are being compared. The two websites (SleepFoundation.Org &Ninds.Nih.Gov) are similar because of their content but different because of […]

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